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Burgy Zapp Künstler & Schriftsteller
Chief Digital Officer

SciFi Movie of EVE Online for MoMa

EVE_MOMA_DokuVideoStillweb600This is a virtual and futuristic NEWS show of New Eden (EVE universe). It seems to shed light on the career opportunities of capsuleers, but actually documented the characteristics of EVE online; a computer-game by CCP Games.

 Humorous Documentation of the game EVE Online for the Museum of Modern Art (MoMa)

This documentary focuses on showing what makes EVE unique: realism, realistic incentives, style, scalability, complexity , many games in one game, sand box, meta-gaming and most of all, a social and economic game-world simulation involving vast numbers of individuals from all over the world on one single game board. The look and feel not only represents CCP Games concepts but mostly consists of in-game recording. The gendre of EVE is MMORPG.

This documentary was recorded to be archived in the museum of modern art (MoMa), in order to show future generations what made EVE online unique in 2012, and the cultural impact the game triggers.

Only recorded footage and CCP Games footage was used: all videos, sounds and pictures are in-game or meta-gaming content of origin. A documentary by Burgy Zapp.


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